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 Middle Street Meadow News 

Meadow news - Winter 2023 -24


Visitors to Middle  Street Meadow will have noticed that the flood defence bank has been stripped of vegetation by Salisbury City Council parks department. This is a requirement of the Environment Agency in order to protect the flood bank from being undermined by tree roots etc.

The earlier flooding has now receded and river levels are back at their winter normal. Paths are very muddy still, and slippery in places so that visitors need to take care.

River Nadder flooding

Our spring conservation work days for 2024 went well and all tasks have been completed even though some sessions were cancelled because of the flooding in the meadow. We were able to clear a large area of invasive brambles and some primrose plants have been planted. In other areas a new path has been created to allow a route around the riverbank flooding.

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