Birds of the Meadow
Many common species of birds can be seen and heard when you visit Middle Street Meadow. The most prominent of these will be the ever present magpies and black headed gulls on the football pitch. Less obvious although frequently around are the great spotted and also green woodpeckers.
On the river the mute swans, mallards, and moorhens are present all year round and always ready for a free handout of bread, but look out for little grebe and kingfisher, which are also present all year, but are more secretive in there habit.

The variety of habitat in the Meadow, such as playing field, scrub, mature trees, grasses and reed beds ensures that a good variety of bird species is attracted. In the spring and summer reed warblers, sedge warblers and reed buntings nest in the riverside reed beds. Swallows, swifts and house martins feed over the field and river.
Around the field area, blackcaps and chiff chaffs can be heard singing throught the spring and summer. Cetti's warbler can frequently be heard but is hard to spot.